senior pator, Brian tibbs

Pastor Brian is a native of Jeffersonville and currently lives in “Amish country” in Marysville. He’s a graduate of Pensacola Christian College and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Brian has been Pastor at Pleasant Ridge since 2023 and before that served as a school teacher and as a Pastor for 21 years. Brian was blessed beyond measure to be baptized into Christ in 1977, be married to Maria in 2004, and be the dad of Brooklyn, Elizabeth, Abigail, and Christian. For fun Brian enjoys operating scoreboards, traveling, being outdoors, Indian food, and spending time with his wife and kids



associate Pastor Family Ministry, jon Knight

Pastor Jon is the husband of Jennifer, father of Calvin and Lily, and Associate Pastor over the family ministries of PRBC. It is his joy to see children coming to know the Savior, young adults growing in their faith, and parents raising their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. His ministry is aimed at seeing the Lordship of Christ applied to all of life: personal, family, church, and society.


Music Minister, Josiah Mitchell

Josiah was born in Columbus, Georgia, and was raised in Georgetown, Georgia, where his dad pastored a small Southern Baptist Church. From an early age, his mother taught him, along with his 13 other siblings, how to sing. Being involved in church choirs ranging from such places as Georgetown, GA, New Orleans, LA, and eventually Colorado Springs, CO, Josiah has been singing since soon after he could talk. 
More recently, he received a year of personal voice coaching at Boyce College in Louisville, KY, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications. While there, he began leading worship through song at his local church on a volunteer basis. However, the Lord placed a calling on Josiah’s heart to move from his local church and pursue the ministry of worship leader at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church. In April, 2024, after a few weeks of leading in song, the congregation and elders of PRBC unanimously voted Josiah in as the worship leader, thus affirming the Lord had called him to this ministry. 



Brian Tibbs

Jon Knight

Josiah Mitchell

Rick Kinder

Scott Gray



Carl Kolb

Rick Kinder

Ron King